Wywiad z kardynałem Gerchardem Mullerem


On fidelity to the Gospel in mission of theologians,
bishops and the pope with cardinal G. Muller.

Cardinal Gerhard Muller, renowned theologian, former prefect of the Congregation of Doctrine of Faith (now Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith) will share his view on the role of theologians, bishops and the pope in preserving, explaining, and defending deposit of faith. He will address the question of academic freedom in theological research and red lines which the Church defined to protect integrity of the faith, the role of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in promoting and safeguarding the doctrine on faith and morals in the whole Catholic world; responding in the light of the faith to new questions arising from the progress of the sciences or human culture, helping the bishops in carrying out their office as authentic teachers and doctors of the faith.

Cardinal Muller will also elaborate on his work for the late Pope Benedict XVI and legacy of the late pope Benedict XVI and his rich theological and spiritual message to contemporary man. Cardinal Muller will also address current challenges faced by the Church and faithful, the confusion in the Church, society and culture. He will share his thoughts on the pathway for the renewal of the Church, Christian families and will elaborate on the source of Christian hope in times of turmoil.

The program is organized in cooperation with EWTN Polska, the “Przybądźcie wierni” ( “Adeste fideles”) Lay Catholics Association, the Christian Cultural Centre of Mary the Mother and the Queen.

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