Social justice and fidelity to Church teaching, Dorothy Day & work on the farm with dr Larry Chapp

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Data pierwszej publikacji: 13 czerwca 2023 r.

Social justice and fidelity to Church teaching, Dorothy Day & work on the farm with dr Larry Chapp

Dr Larry Chapp addresses current challenges posed by liberal theologians and Pontifical Academy of Life to moral teaching of the Church. He elaborated on the departure from moral teaching of

He presented the roots of Dorothy Day initiatives and her social justice movement in the Catholic Church in the US. He points out to Dorothy Day’s critique of free markets in which economy is so oriented towards the simple generation of wealth and at the same time devoid of moral concerns. He explains that Dorothy Day developed her social justice, charity programs, when she first started her movement which was around 1929 or 1930 and then the Great Depression was beginning. There were no such things in the United States at that time as labour unions and there were no labour laws and so it wasn’t at all uncommon for the factory workers to work 12 13 hour days and even little kids worked these long hours. Dorothy Day followed social teaching of the Catholic Church (pope Leo XIII).

In this context, dr Chapp, alludes to the words of the pope – st. John Paul II – when, after the fall of Communism in Poland, he warned Poland risked becoming simply transformed in the way people in Western Europe and in North America had been and he warned them against some of the excesses of consumeristic capitalism and the kind of hedonism uh that that goes with free market.

Dr Chapp also addressed questions on the Vatican II and its teachings, key theologians whose impact was clear on the constitutions of the Council. He presents his views on whether crisis in the Catholic Church which followed was connected to the Council.

He also brings also to the discussion on the secular culture warnings of st. John Henry Neman in XIX century, who noted that the Anglicanism in England was becoming accommodated to modern secular society and warned that the kind of political liberalism and the forms of democracy and consumerism that were arising in the West were going to be deeply corrosive to revealed religion.

Dr Chapp shared his theological interest and his work on Hans Urs von Balthasar. He also elaborated on the question whether Hans Urs von Balthasar was a universalist and believer in the concept of apostasies (salvation for all) rejected by the Church.

He shares his observation related to the religious freedom and freedom of conscience in more and more secularized US society.

Dr Larry Chapp website with wealth o materials, interviews, articles: